I want to share with you a moment that I will have etched in my mind forever, but to fully understand the whole picture I would like to share a few stories first.  My 13 year old son Oakley is an amazing young man, one that has made his mother and I so proud.  he is a very gifted athlete, an A student but more importantly a good hearted Christian young man.  Oakley has played travel baseball for several years and our summers are consumed with it. This year our doctors told us that Ayden would be able to play tee ball, for most would not seem like a big deal. When Oakley was his age he was all over the field getting every ball never once did he need the Tee he could hit live pitching very well. For Ayden it will be a whole different experience, that fact that he is on a team is amazing.  In October of 2010 the doctors at Clevland Clinic told us that Ayden probably would not make it to see his 3rd birthday.  Recently we learned that his body will not allow him to play competitive sports in the future so tha fact that he is playing tee ball is truly a blessing and something that we will not take for granted. I have had the opportunity to Coach both Oakley and Courtney in many sports.  Coaching brings so much joy to my life.  I feel blessed to have been able to coach both of them as well as coaching high school sports for 15 years.  I was so happy when ayden asked me to coach his team.  Here is where the amazing part about Oakley comes in.  Travel baseball takes a lot of time and we are away fromhome a lot.  Ayden does not go to many of the games, they play early in the morning, sometimes far away sometimes to wet, or too cold, or too hot for him.  Mom usually stays with Ayden and I go with Oakley.  Knowing that Ayden really wanted to play tee ball Oakley sacrificed his travel ball experience so that I can coach Ayden.  Talk about a caring young man.  This act make us more proud than any accomplishment on the field or court.  Ayden has been upset lately becasue he has been sick and not been able to practice.  He has been in the house for 10 days and could not wait to get out.  Last night we decided since the weather was nice and he had practice we allowed him to go for a while and meet his teammates and participate some.  It was so inspiring to see him out there in his little uniform and having so much fun.  His attention span is very short and he gets distracted by things around him but I truly had a moment being able to coach him.  In 15 years of coaching I have had some pretty special memories but none can top the one I felt last night.  We have cut down the nets as sectional champs, gone to the wire in a regional game and losing to eventual state champion, we have won numerous baseball and softball tourneys, I have been a part of no hitters by high school players and by Oakley, I have been on the bench for Courtneys first Varsity points in basketball and first hit in softball, I have been on the sideline when Oakley scored his first touchdown at Batesville when he was 6, but seeing the look on Ayden's face when he said, "Coach daddy look at me, if right there with all of them.  It was not a game winning shot or a home run, not a championship, not even a basehit or turning two it was a simple smile and Ayden calling me coach!! We do not know what the future has in store, we do not know how much baseball Ayden will play but for this day I could not be any prouder of my All Stars.  I am so blessed to have 3 children that mean the world to me. Oakley and Courtney have made so many sacrifices to ensure that Ayden has everything that he needs and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Life is GOOD.  Never ever forget that. Take those things that make seem small and treasure them.
6/21/2012 11:45:26 am

Great site, did I read this right that its free from Weebly?


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