OVer the weekend Ayden began to get a runny nose but we did not think much of it because of the change in weather.  We did not let him stay long at Court's Sweet 16 party becasue we did not want to wear him out.  About one hour into the party he asked to go home, he said, "Daddy I'm so tired."  On Sunday THe easter Bunny came but we did not go to sunrise service to let him sleep in.  He still seemed tired but nothing else.  On Tuesday night he started coughing just a little nothing bad but the runny nose was still present.  Becky took him to the doctor on Wed to  check him for possible sinus and ear infection and both came back normal but when they listened to his breathing there was some crackling in the left lung.  The chest x ray did confirm that he has pneumonia again.  We have amped up his breathing treatments, the vest, and he is on an antibiotic.  Please continue to pray for him.  We do not know yet if it is bacterial or viral.  He went back to school for the first time last  week since Valentines Day and now is sick again.  He was so upset that he could not go to his first tee ball practice.  We should know more in the next few days.  Please just pray for him, we are scared because respiratory failure is the number casue fo death for kids with Ayden's disease.  To have it again so quickly is very scary.  We do not know if it is just his immune system beaing weaker, bad luck, or his disease playing part of it.  Once again stress level is on hgih alert.  We will keep you posted.  thanks in adva

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