It is amazing how some of the things that seem so small and so normal can be such a big deal to someone else.  The great news continues in our house.  About 2 weeks ago the doctors took me off of a medicine that I had been on for a long time.  It helps me with digesting food since my body does not make pancreatic enzymes. Since I have been off the medicine I am an eating machine!! I eat all the time and he is the really fun part I eat all by myself.  One of the things that most of you may not know is that I have a very high food adversion. Which means that I do not like to eat and when I do I am forced.  I have never really felt hungry and I would not eat on my own.  Mommy for many years has had to follow me around and distract me and do whatever she had to for me to eat. The doctors wanted to put in a feeding tube to make things easier for Mommy but she said no way.  It is her job to take care of me and she will do whatever she has to.  Thank yuo Mommy for loving me so much to take the time and effort to do that. I think that those days may be long gone.  I am now not just eating alot but I am doing most of it on my own. Something so small and trivial to most brings cheers and celebration and even tears in in our house!!
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for your continued prayers,  May GOD bless you and your families!!

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